● HERSH, Seymour M. (April 2004) Annals of National Security. Issue Torture at Abu Ghraib American soldiers brutalized Iraqis. How far up does the responsibility go?
● WORDEN, Leon (July 2004). Karpinski: Rumsfeld OK’d Methods at Abu Ghraib – Former prison chief contends that secretary of defense and U.S. commander in Iraq approved coercive interrogation techniques. Signal City Editor.
● SEALEY, Geraldine (2004). Hersh: Children sodomized at Abu Ghraib, on tape. Salon.
● MILLER, Greg (June 4, 2004). “Abu Ghraib Intelligence Soldier Describes Iraq Abuse in Detail”. Los Angeles Times.
● HARDING, Luke (May 2004) The other prisoners. The Guardian.
● “Iraq abuse ‘ordered from the top”. BBC News. June 15, 2004.
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